I’m not afraid of getting older
I’m one less day from dying young
-Rob Thomas, One Less Day (Dying Young)
I listen to this song almost every day. I have been wanting to write a post about it, and the passing of Kobe Bryant pulled it to the top of my list.
- Do you spend time worrying about your age, and money trying to erase it?
Yes, you are older than you were ten years ago. Yes, you look older than you did ten years ago. And you are lucky.
We all are. We get to be alive in this moment.
I send my love to Kobe Bryant’s family and trust there is a bigger picture behind why he left this world so soon.
Be grateful for your wrinkles.
“You’re only young once, but badass is forever.” -The birthday card my sister gave me last year
Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.
This goes along with the theme of appreciating and celebrating the day you were born. Check out post: Splendid Birthday.