
All Work

Labor Day weekend is almost here, but other than appreciating a day off, most people don’t give this holiday much thought. Enter #HappierLaborDay, proposed by Gretchen Rubin on her Happier podcast.

The idea behind Happier Labor Day is to use the holiday as a reason (a tether!) to consider what you could do in your work life to be happier.

Chris Guillebeau, host of the awesome Side Hustle School podcast, recently tweeted: Looking for inspiration on how you can get more fulfillment out of the work you do? This Labor Day, look no further than Side Hustle School with @chrisguillebeau.

Chris thrives off the success of others. Not because it increases his success, but because their success increases his happiness. You can feel it when you listen to him. This is my opinion—listen and decide for yourself. Or read some of his books. Chris defines a side hustle as: “Something you do, in addition to your day job, that makes money.” Every day Chris shares a new story (in 10 minutes) about someone who has created a successful side hustle. Some side hustles turn into full-time hustles, and others stay on the side. Some people love their day job, but want to do something creative in their free time that allows them to take a vacation, or pay off a credit card, or eat out more often. The best thing is, people do these incredible things with the skills they already possess, with very little, if any, startup costs. It’s amazing!

Today’s inspiration: Work

How to use it: Make a list of what you like and don’t like about your work life. As you write, does an idea keep popping up? Maybe there’s a side hustle in your future. Maybe you think, “I have to quit this job.” Or maybe, “I love my work, but my life feels out of balance.” Spend some time considering. What changes can you make that will make your work life happier?

Example: You like to get into the office early so you can work without distraction. But, you would like to work out, and you never have energy at the end of the day. This bothers you, but until now, you have thought of it as, “just how it is.” So change it! Can you go to the office later two days a week so you can go to the gym? Can you do yoga at lunch? Can you take a walk on your break?

I realize these ideas are not mind-blowing.

So what’s different? THE TIMING. It’s Labor Day! Treat it like the new year. It’s your opportunity to do something! Find a better way. Listen to yourself.

“We often feel paralyzed by choice and make no choice. But the thing is, no choice is a choice. If you’re not doing something about it, you’re doing something about it.” -Chris Guillebeau

“It’s okay to make other people unhappy with your changes.” -Gretchen Rubin

For more ideas, go to Twitter and/or Instagram and search #happierlaborday.

Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.

Super hack…Post to Instagram from your Mac without having to install an app! Watch this tutorial.

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