
It’s Your Lucky Day

Manifest Monday

The more you believe your thoughts create your reality, the more you will find conclusive evidence this is true.

My mom told me there were three things she had wanted in her life, and she couldn’t believe she actually got them. I told her she got them because she manifested them with her thoughts. She smiled and said, “Oh, I’m not sure I’m that powerful. I think it’s luck.”

She believes in her power to be lucky, and that works too! Gretchen Rubin did a great podcast episode, entitled “I’m Lucky to Have a Mother Who Is Lucky.” I feel that way about my mom, even though I have a slightly different perspective on luck.

Belief in luck raises your vibration and helps you manifest your thoughts. What I find interesting is that luck and curses are similar, which means belief in curses also raises your vibration on the manifestation front. The question is, what do you want to manifest? Creation or destruction? Personally, I’m going for creation.

Today’s inspiration: Power Thought

How to use it:

Think about someone who accomplished something you would like to accomplish. How do you think they did it? Did they work hard? Were they lucky? Are they magnificently talented? Whatever your conclusion, apply the same to yourself, and get to work on your thoughts. Do you want to be magic and create your reality? I know you do, so start believing in the power of your thoughts.

List three thoughts that will help you manifest the reality you desire. Write them down. Leave yourself voice memos (see post: A Friendly Ear) and listen to them. You will be amazed at how inspiring it is to hear yourself tell yourself you are powerful—it magnifies your power exponentially.

Example: I think Shaquille O’Neill is the bomb. (See post: Play. Every. Day.) How did he become so successful? Well, he’s tall, funny, and talented. But there are other NBA players who are tall, funny, and talented who don’t light up the world like Shaquille “Big Aristotle” O’Neill. Why? I think it’s because that’s not their goal. Shaq’s goal was to do his best, and then it became his goal to help others do their best. Shaq knew he could be awesome, and he knows other people can be awesome, too.

I turn my assessment of Shaq to myself, and write down the thoughts that will manifest my reality:

  • I always do my best, and that is enough.
  • Others always do their best, and that is enough.
  • The Universe supports my goals by surrounding me with wonderful people and opportunities.
  • When I rise, everyone rises.

And poof! Don’t you feel better just reading that? Our vibration is rising as we speak.

Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.

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