
Meditation in 1 Minute. Start NOW!

Without a doubt, meditation is the one tool that has made the biggest difference in my life.

Meditation allows us to disconnect from our thoughts so we can connect with our body and spirit. When you’re connected to your body and spirit, you are guided naturally to the people and resources you need.

What is meditation?

Meditation is any practice that allows you to separate from your thoughts.

How can you start?

I started by setting aside one minute every day to meditate. I did whatever kind of meditation I felt like doing (walking, breathing, guided, music) for that minute. I now meditate 30 minutes a day on average.

Your meditation practice can change your life.
Start your meditation practice now

Why every day?

When you meditate every day, it takes away the decision factor. You don’t have to discuss with yourself if you will meditate today because you already know you will. Practice saying, “I meditate every day,” and pretty soon you will be.

Also, a daily practice allows you to notice subtle changes, which over time will help you to connect to your body and understand its messages.

Try this for one week…

Most of us use the toilet when we wake up so this is an ideal place to start.

  1. While you’re still using the toilet (before you check your phone for any texts, emails, social media, weather), set your timer for one minute—ONE MINUTE!
  2. Pay attention to your breath until the timer goes off. It can be helpful to breathe in for three counts, and out for three counts.

You might get to the end and realize you only paid attention to one breath, and spent the rest of the time lost in your to-do list. THAT’S OKAY! You’ll be back tomorrow and you might get two breaths in before your thoughts take over.

Will this really make a difference?


How does it make a difference?

If you did situps for one minute every day, would your core get stronger? Of course!

Meditation strengthens your mind’s ability to be present. The present is where you will find your power and your answers. They’re right here, right now.

“Meditation can actually create structural changes in the brain. It has been shown to increase gray matter in the brain, particularly in areas related to learning, memory, emotion regulation, and perspective,” says Mirela Loftus, MD, PhD, medical director at Newport Healthcare.

There are so many studies that “prove” meditation helps us, but the real proof will show up in your life. Meditation affects each of us differently. I promise if you stay with it, you will notice a difference. Maybe you don’t get angry as easily. Maybe you procrastinate less. Maybe you’re able to catch your breath when you’re anxious. Maybe you smile more easily. Maybe you take things less personally. Maybe you start thinking about doing something you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid. The possibilities are endless.

SO START RIGHT NOW! Don’t wait for the morning.

  • Open your timer on your phone.
  • Set it for one minute.
  • Press start and count your breaths.
Meditation connects you to your body and spirit
Meditation can transform your life

Good job if you did it! If you didn’t, try it now. Then wake up tomorrow and do it again. You don’t need a grand plan or goal because the beauty of meditation is it will lead you right where you need to be.

If the thought of meditation feels uncomfortable, you might like this article: Comfort in Discomfort

Stay tuned for more ideas and encouragement.

Be present. Trust yourself. You’re already enough!

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