
The Shadow Knows

News flash: Your shadow is good.

There are a million theories about our dark side. No matter what you think about it, most humans will agree we all have one.

Q: How can my shadow be good?

A: Your shadow is an essential part of you. You cannot be you without your shadow.

Q: If my shadow is good, why does it make me do bad things?

A: Good and bad are relative terms. Examine what you mean by “bad things.”

Q: Why does my shadow make me do things I don’t want to do?

A: If you didn’t want to do those things, you wouldn’t. If you are doing things you don’t want to do, it means you are not LISTENING to your shadow.

Q: How do I listen to my shadow?

A: Explore your dark thoughts and desires, instead of pushing them out of your mind like they are not there. Write them down. Admit them to YOURSELF. It’s okay. Everyone has them. EVERY. ONE.

Q: If I listen to my shadow, doesn’t that mean I will do something bad?

A: If you listen to your shadow, you will act with intention, rather than doing something you don’t want to do. When you do something you don’t want to do, it is your shadow rebelling because you are not listening.


  • Someone asks you for help and you help them because you want to, but also because you feel obliged to do so.

Shadow: Why the hell am I doing this for you when you are totally capable of doing it yourself?

Light: I am happy to help you with your burden.

These thoughts are BOTH present, but if you are not listening to your shadow, you deny that part of you that feels abused. It WILL show up if you don’t acknowledge it–you might yell at someone, say something you regret, eat a package of Oreos…Rather than ignoring that part, consciously work through it.

Possible scenario:

Light: I do want to help this person, why are you being so petty, Shadow?

Shadow: Because you never stand up for yourself. Why are you helping her? She never helps you. You should be keeping your commitment to finish that report, and you won’t be able to if you take this on.

Light: Hmmm…True. I wonder if I can still help her, but still keep time in my schedule to finish that report. Maybe there’s something she can help me with. Hmmm…

Shadow: You could also just say NO.

Light: Hmmm…True. But I feel bad for her.

Shadow: Is there another way to support her?

Light: Hmmm…there might be. I’m going to think about this a bit.

Your shadow is your protector. Your shadow is looking out for you. Listening to it is not the same as following it, just as listening to your light is not the same as following it. Listen to both sides. Your shadow has your back!

Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.

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