My post last Monday, Your Story, encouraged you to examine how your stories define you.
…Are there stories hiding that are limiting you? Just because your past experience is true doesn’t mean it must be part of your experience now, unless you want it to be…
I challenged you to write a brief “About Me” every day for a week. I wrote four of them and my next step is to use them to rewrite my bio section on my website. If you want an example of a bio filled with stories, stories, stories, read my current About Me. My first thought is to be embarrassed, but instead I will be proud that I’m ready to revise! Right now it’s all still swirling around in my head and needs some time to settle. Stay tuned!
Our stories are sneaky little rascals—they love to pass themselves off as facts!
Today’s Inspiration: Forget
How to use it: As you approach your day, pretend you don’t know anything about your past. Try to make each decision based solely on the knowledge at hand.
Example: You need to make a phone call. You may have some mental chatter about the last time you talked to this person, or how you don’t have the time or energy for this call. Let this call create its own story:
- Focus on this exact moment.
- State what you are doing: I am calling this person.
- State the duration of your activity: I am allowing ten minutes for this call.
- State the purpose of your activity: I need this person to answer a question.
- Enter into a state of neutrality and trust: Say to yourself, “This call will go just as it should for all things to unfold in the most beneficial manner for all.”
When you forget your stories, and focus on creating new ones, your day becomes full of possibility.