The other day I saw a quote: “No matter how much money you have, our graves will be the same size. Stay humble.”
These words do not inspire me, but why?
First, let’s tackle “our graves will be the same size.” I get it, we’re all going to die, but we should be humble because we’re all going to die? Hmmm…
Humble frumble. Most of the time when I see people being humble they are muting their voices or misrepresenting what they do.
Humble (definition): Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.
I say, BE BIG. Share yourself with the world.
Here’s my alternative quote. (Merci, French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin!)
No matter (you fill in the blank), we are all spirits sharing a human experience.
We are sharing this moment together in physical bodies, and we will continue to share our spirits long after this physical existence has passed.
Your spirit is infinite. Let your physical being match your spiritual presence!
As Jen Sincero, author of You Are A Badass, would say, “The world does not benefit from you hiding your bad-assery.”