
If You Walk Away

  • When it feels like nothing is going in the right direction…
  • When your peeps aren’t supporting you…
  • When you know you could move forward, if only someone would get out of your way…

…it’s time to read the tea leaves, as my husband would say.

Today’s inspiration: U2

How to use it: If you feel like your desires are being met with resistance, stop to consider. Are you being thwarted or redirected? Stopped or guided?

Channel your inner-Bono

I was on the inside

When they pulled the four walls down

I was looking through the window

I was lost, I am found…

He is looking out from the cozy reality he created. The walls crash and he is free. No window to obscure his view. Nothing to block his way.

…If you walk away, I will follow.

You can interpret this line in different ways: 1. I will follow you, or 2. I will follow something else. Pay attention. Negative feedback might mean you need to find people who support your dream, or it might mean you need to consider what you are hearing. In the end, follow your heart—it knows more than anyone else.

Example: You have figured out the most efficient way to execute a project. You write up the instructions and assign roles to people on your team. The person in charge of tech tells you there’s an app that will accomplish the same thing in half the time. You think, “She always has to be right. She can’t stand it when I’m in charge.” Maybe this is true, maybe not. (See post: Stories) Maybe the app is great, or maybe you need a different person on your team. Maybe both. Or neither.

Think to yourself, “If you walk away, I will follow,” and look for the path. Remember, the Universe is not blocking you, it’s guiding you. You might respond, “Will you show me the app?” and go from there.

For another perspective on why you might be stuck, read post: Door Slams.

“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” ― Dalai Lama 

Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.

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