When you find the magic inside, the whole world becomes magical. I offer these ideas to help you discover your power and create a life that reflects your truth.
It inspires me to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., honor his efforts, and all those who came before him and after, who stand up for all to be seen, honored,...
Without a doubt, meditation is the one tool that has made the biggest difference in my life. Meditation allows us to disconnect from our thoughts so we can connect with our...
Lately, I’ve made a conscious effort to pay more attention to my inner child. I’ve noticed that when I feel angry or sad, I’m usually ignoring my inner child or dragging...
When you accept yourself, you transform the world. When you know yourself, you will know what to do. You hold the key to the world. Big claims, I know, but stay...
The person you want to be is the person you already are. A teacher said this as I was listening to a guided meditation on Insight Timer. I have heard it...
Growing up, I learned that when you fall, you get up and brush off the dust. You ignore that your knee is bleeding and you say, “That didn’t hurt. Let’s go.”...
“It is not only for unanswered questions that we seek knowledge, but also for the examination of unquestioned answers.” -Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind Are you looking for answers? Consider...
“Do your best.” A loaded phrase at best. Sometimes people say it to make us feel better about a situation: “Well, you did your best.” Parents say it to encourage children:...
“I should have…they should have…the world would be so much better if only they would…” “Oh, hello Judgement. I thought we were taking a break. Remember how I said I felt...
It inspires me to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., honor his efforts, and all those who came before him and after, who stand up for all to be seen, honored,...
Without a doubt, meditation is the one tool that has made the biggest difference in my life. Meditation allows us to disconnect from our thoughts so we can connect with our...
Lately, I’ve made a conscious effort to pay more attention to my inner child. I’ve noticed that when I feel angry or sad, I’m usually ignoring my inner child or dragging...
When you accept yourself, you transform the world. When you know yourself, you will know what to do. You hold the key to the world. Big claims, I know, but stay...
The person you want to be is the person you already are. A teacher said this as I was listening to a guided meditation on Insight Timer. I have heard it...
Growing up, I learned that when you fall, you get up and brush off the dust. You ignore that your knee is bleeding and you say, “That didn’t hurt. Let’s go.”...
“It is not only for unanswered questions that we seek knowledge, but also for the examination of unquestioned answers.” -Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind Are you looking for answers? Consider...
“Do your best.” A loaded phrase at best. Sometimes people say it to make us feel better about a situation: “Well, you did your best.” Parents say it to encourage children:...
“I should have…they should have…the world would be so much better if only they would…” “Oh, hello Judgement. I thought we were taking a break. Remember how I said I felt...
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