
Monday Mantras

Mondays are for mantras.

Monday is aligned with the Root chakra which makes it the perfect day to create the foundation of your reality.

A mantra is a statement repeated frequently.

Today’s inspiration: Mantra manifestation

How to do it:

  • Make a list of three things you would like in your life.
  • Now change those into statements that reflect your ideal reality.
  • Every time you find yourself thinking a negative thought, or you are awake for no reason in the middle of the night, repeat your three statements until you have forgotten what you were thinking about.

Example: You wake up in the morning and think:

  1. I wish I were rich.
  2. I wish I were motivated.
  3. I wish I hadn’t said that to my colleague yesterday.

Now change the thoughts into positive statements:

  1. I have all the money I need.
  2. My actions inspire me.
  3. I speak my truth.

You don’t need to figure out how to make your mantras come true, just keep repeating them. Write them down whenever you can. Leave yourself voice memos (see post: A Friendly Ear ). Say them over and over and over.


“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford

Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.

Fun links:

Post: It’s Your Lucky Day (more about manifesting on Monday)

Post: Shark Week (more about your Root chakra)

How your thoughts become your reality (Forbes)

How thoughts become things

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