Chakra Week – Day Four – Heart Chakra
On Thursdays, the week starts to feel lighter. I think this is because the heart chakra is associated with the element of air. I picture everyone looking like E.T.—heart lights glowing. We are loving beings in our core, despite the questionable things we do.
Forgiveness ⋅ Love ⋅ Compassion ⋅ Gratitude
Today’s inspiration: Heart Chakra
How to use it: The heart chakra is located in your chest, and extends down your arms to your hands. It is associated with the colors green and rose.
- Take a deep breath and feel your chest expand in all four directions, forward, back, and side to side. Picture someone or something you love—your spouse, your child, the ocean, coffee, chocolate mousse, your bed… Picture this thing you love living inside your heart.
- Picture your heart. What color fills it? Do you see green or rose? If a color doesn’t come to you, imagine the color you want it to be. Any color works, and it doesn’t have to be the same color every day. Whatever you decide, take another breath and fill your heart with that color and the feelings you have for that person/thing you love.
- As you go through your day, if you feel negative or stressed, take a deep breath, picture your heart glowing with your color, and recall this feeling of love. Repeat, “I forgive. I forgive. I forgive.”
Example: Your friend launches into a story about how her entire morning was a disaster, and how she’s disgusted with the state of the world. You might be inclined to jump aboard this negative train, and add your own stories of woe. Or you might want to tell her to look on the bright side, and give her examples of good things in the world.
Consider this alternative: Take a deep breath, fill your heart with your color, and think, “I forgive.” …“I forgive this person for dumping their negative energy on me. I forgive all the people who have done bad things.” Most of all…“I forgive myself.” If you are judging the person in front of you, it is a reflection of the judgement you hold for yourself. Everyone in front of you is a mirror. It doesn’t matter if you believe you truly forgive; repeating the words with intention will eventually make it so. At the very least, it will 1) alleviate your annoyance with this person who is seriously harshing your mellow, and 2) prevent you from contributing to the negativity and/or annoying them by saying something cheerful.
Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.
Do you want to strengthen your forgiveness muscle? Read or listen to The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton. His capacity for compassion, despite the injustices he suffered, will reaffirm your faith in people. Click here to watch him speak.
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