
 Speak your truth

Chakra Week ⋅ Day Five ⋅ Throat Chakra


“Say what you wanna say 

And let the words fall out 

Honestly I wanna see you be brave”       –Sara Barielles



Today’s inspiration: Throat chakra

How to use it: The throat chakra is located in your neck and is associated with the color sky blue. The throat chakra filters our communication—with the outside world and with ourselves.

Look at the sky as many times as you can today. Each time, take a deep breath and think of the color blue filling and relaxing your neck. Repeat: “I speak my truth with ease. I speak my truth with ease. I speak my truth with ease.”

Fun thing to try: Talk like no one is listening (because no one is)…

The other day, I wanted to call my mom so I could vent. Then I thought about what a drain that would be for her, so I didn’t. But my urge to talk was overwhelming, so I opened the voice record app on my phone and started to talk as if I were on a call. I could feel my stress lessening by the minute. It was awesome—total and complete therapy. 

The best part: I didn’t feel guilty afterwards for dumping my negativity on someone else.

The bonus: I could listen to what I said which was quite illuminating.

I was having such a good time, I decided to take it a step further. I started a new voice memo with: “Here’s what I would say to myself if I were a support coach…” Then I pretended I was talking to someone else and gave myself props and encouragement. I was shocked by how moved I was by my own words when I listened to them afterwards.

This voice memo technique isn’t new, but I happened to stumble upon it by following my instinct. I think that’s amazing.

Be your own therapist by literally listening to your voice. Then bring your truth out into the world—we need you!

“…your history of silence

Won’t do you any good

Did you think it would?

Let your words be anything but empty

Why don’t you tell them the truth?”  -Sara Bareilles SPEAK UP!

See RESOURCES for awesome people who speak their truth. New links added!


Be inspired. Go forth. Create your day.


This week’s chakra posts:

One Response

  1. I love the words to this song…always makes me think of my boy and how I want him to be brave, but never apply it to myself…but today, that changes!

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